
Updated GamingKit with Unity Native SDK

Yan Giet

We've made updates to GamingKit which now includes Unity Native SDK support. With this update, devs can now:

Build web3 games on all Unity supported platforms:

Support for Native (Windows, Mac, Linux), Mobile (iOS, Android), Console (PS, Xbox), Browser (WebGL and VR).

Build web3 games faster:

  • Quickly iterate on your web3 games without performing a full game build for every change.
  • Prefabs that work out of the box for Connect Wallet button, NFT Renderers, and much more.
  • Full storage support across platforms (easily upload/download IPFS files of any format).
  • Support for any contract deployed through thirdweb as well as custom contracts.
  • Supports any EVM, with options to override.

Robust infrastructure and API:

  • Simple API that you can get used to in just a few minutes.
  • ThirdwebManager prefab to help initialize the SDK quickly from the inspector.
  • API that can be used with any contract that supports its functions.
  • Built on open source robust protocols, decentralized.

Connect your wallet easily:

  • Supports connection to all kinds of wallets, whether on WebGL or Native.
  • Seamless integration as prefabs with customizable options from the inspector.